Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Big Undertaking

January 8, 2008
This past year, as I mentioned in one entry earlier, was an extremely difficult one. Not only were we faced with a number of personal issues and the loss of loved ones but then there was the challenge of dealing with my call to ministry. In the midst of wrestling with this call Pastor Rick, our senior pastor, presented me with an opportunity which I willingly said yes to.
He approached me about running the services on Sunday, December 30th. This was a huge undertaking because not only would it mean preaching in three services but also doing the planning of all of them as well, knowing that my senior pastor and associate pastor would both be there. Although this was an undertaking I felt confident that I could handle it and I have to admit it wasn’t too bad. The sermon that I was preparing feel into place better than any other sermon that I have ever done. The illustrations, the points, the questions, and the revelation from Scripture all came so easily the difficult part however, was going to be getting through the sermon. You see I chose to preach on the topic of “Tragedy to Triumph.” I included some illustrations about a homeless man that we had worked with on a mission’s trip and who had accepted the Lord, the story of Mindy and my daughter, Callie Grace, and my call to ministry. I have to admit that for the first time ever, and even in all three services I didn’t use my notes at all. This happened without me even being aware of what I was doing. For the majority of you, who preach, teach, or whatever you understand how challenging it is to do this for the first time but after a while it becomes more natural. The sermon was very personal for me and for my wife and there were a number of times that I found myself getting extremely choked up and shedding a few tears. I looked around a number of people in the congregation were in tears as well, as various points of the sermon impacted them in a similar way, which answered my prayers that their lives would be impacted. After the service I felt alive and invigorated as never before. I was so excited and thrilled and then the reality hit me that I felt so comfortable in the pulpit that morning and with the various aspects of leading the church in worship that morning and I must say that it was nice. I don’t want to seem like I’m taking all the credit because there were a number of people assisting me through this process such as our staff, the students who read various things in all of the services and also the band comprised of our students leading worship in the third service. Overall, it was a wonderful day and I am left still wondering about my calling and searching for answers. However, in the midst of searching I have been reminded by God, Himself to wait and to patiently do so and His will shall be revealed.

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