Sunday, May 11, 2008

Update on Corban - May 11, 2008

Hey guys, I wanted to let you all know how our son, Corban was doing. Yesterday, he was doing alright throughout the majority of the day; however his lungs were still not totally developing like they should have been. After a time with a large time yesterday with a large tube in his nose he was still not getting what he needed as far as oxygen supply. After working with him for a while they were not getting the results they wanted so they hooked him up to a ventilator last evening. We have seen a positive change for the better with him and improvement however, we still have a long way to go. His breathing rate is down almost too normal but we know that he still has a while to go with getting the oxygen supply to where it needs to be. We talked with the doctor last night and he assured us again that everything is treatable, however it will take time. Basically the time table that they have given us in two - three weeks before he will be released from the NICU. While this is challenging and we don't want to wait we know that we have to, in order to keep our son's best interests in mind. Well, that's it for now, and I'll be sure to post more later in the day.

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